Maitha Hamdan’s Gallery

Maitha Hamdan is a multidisciplinary artist from the UAE who is known for her installations and performance pieces. Hamdan’s work explores themes of womanhood and society and is often textile based. It has been exhibited in the UAE and USA. Hamdan is a graduate of the UAE’s Salama Emerging Artists Fellowship Program 2019, and is a recipient of the Cultural Foundation Art Residency 2021.

The Khaleeji Art Museum partnered up with Sekka, a media brand dedicated to exploring art, culture, literature and opinions from the Arab world, which provided media coverage of the Museum in the Sky’s second volume. To read Hamdan’s interview with them, please click here.

To find out more about Hamdan, please visit this page.

Jalal Luqman’s Gallery

Air date: May 2023

Ishaq Madan’s Gallery

Air date: May 2023

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